Everything You Need To Know About Rex Rabbit
The Rex Rabbit is a European breed developed around 1919 in the French village of Louché-Pringé. The Rex rabbit evolved from a litter of wild gray rabbits. It has grown by rabbit fanciers and the fur industry over the years. The breed was named after its characteristic fur, which is the rex gene.
Normal rabbit fur is typically composed of a shorter undercoat interspersed with longer guard hairs. On the other hand, the Rex rabbit fur results from a genetic mutation that causes the hairs to be all the same length, giving it a plush texture similar to velvet.
These Rex rabbits were first shown publicly during the Paris International Rabbit Show in 1924, and it has attracted breeders because of the recessive rex gene. Since 1925, when it was first shown in Paris, it has been recognized as a standard rabbit breed in some parts of Europe.
Then, the breed was imported to the United States in the same year, and it is shown by American rabbit breeder John C. Fehr and his partner Alfred Zimmerman. The breed finally was accepted by the American Rabbit Breeder’s Association (ARBA). It has become prevalent in many countries as both a fancy and a commercial species.
The Standard Rex rabbit and the Mini Rex rabbit are the two most common Rex rabbit breeds. Because Standard Rex rabbits are the most common breed, they have distinct differences. Because they are slightly larger than Mini Rex rabbits, they are easier to breed. Meanwhile, Mini Rex rabbits are essentially smaller versions of Standard Rex rabbits with all of the Standard version’s appealing characteristics.
Do Rex rabbits make good pets?
The Rex rabbit is a gentle breed that should keep in a large hutch indoors. As a breed, Rex rabbits can be seen as calm and loving than other rabbits. Therefore, they can make a good pet as they are intelligent, social, playful, and affectionate.
They also enjoy human company and can be playful and boisterous, usually good with other household pets. Thus, we can see that these rabbits have good temperaments and are very friendly and good-natured to make good pets.
What do Rex Rabbits eat?
The Rex rabbit is a herbivore. Since they are vegetarians, they eat about 70% of their diet, which are high-quality hay. The rest of their diet is fresh produce. Another thing they enjoy eating is dark leafy greens like lettuce and kale, carrots, and fruits like bananas, berries, and grapes.
How big is Rex Rabbit?
Since Rex rabbits have two size varieties of Rex rabbit, which are the standard and the mini, they can consider medium-sized bunnies. This is because they can grow to 12 inches in length. Their average weight is between 7 to 11 pounds, and they can use them as show and commercial rabbits.
On the other hand, Standard Rex rabbits typically weigh between 7.5 and 10.5 pounds and reach full adult size by eight or nine months of age. For Mini Rex, rabbits weigh between 3 to 4.25 pounds, but they can grow quickly as they can reach their full size at around six to seven months of age.
Are Rex rabbits aggressive?
These Rex rabbits are generally very docile creatures, but many new rabbit owners are surprised to learn that they can also be quite aggressive at times. However, they are not aggressive for the most part, making them so suitable as a family pet. They may exhibit some aggressive tendencies when they are young and have a high activity level, around 5 or 6 months, but this should be temporary.
Usually, when a rabbit starts to be aggressive, it may signify that it is time to neuter or spay the animal. This occurred when the Rex rabbits reached four months old, and they will bite, scratch, or kick at their owners when they feel frightened.
What’s the average lifespan of a Rex rabbit?
The average life expectancy of Rex rabbits is five to six years if they have been well cared for in a safe environment. However, it has a life expectancy of half that of the larger breeds for Mini Rex rabbits; but, neutering them will add several years to their life span. Therefore, keeping the Rex rabbit has a long and happy life should be spayed or neutered and fed and exercised correctly.
Another thing to ensure good health for these Rex rabbits is to annually visit the veterinary clinic or animal hospitals that have experience with exotic. Therefore, the owner should keep a close eye on their Rex rabbit’s healthy to help it live a long and happy life at home.
How fast does Rex Rabbit grow?
Again, the growing of a Rex rabbit can vary depending on several factors it affects their size, such as the breed, the genetics, and the way we care for the rabbits. In addition, the length of time it takes a rabbit to grow to adult size varies among breeds, with smaller breeds achieving maturity quicker.
The Rex rabbits can be considered fully grown between the ages of six to nine months. However, Rex Rabbits typically grow quicker than the standard breed variety, where Standard Rex rabbits will fully develop by the time they are between eight and nine-month-old. In contrast, Mini Rex rabbits will be fully grown between six to seven months old.
How do you bond with a Rex rabbit?
As the rabbits have a good temperament, it is pretty easy to build a strong bond with them. However, they can quickly act out when they are scared and bite and scratch. So, it depends on their mood at that time whenever we are trying to hold them. A well-fed and properly exercised rabbit is more likely to allow you to cuddle and hold it. It may take some time to build their trust, but these Rex rabbits can be used to be held by the family members and may accept affection from others or visitors to the home.
Final thought
These rabbit breeds can be good pets, as we have discussed many exciting facts and information about them. Many breeders breed them to improve their quality by feeding and caring for them properly. They are also used as show and commercial rabbits, as well as for meat. Furthermore, if you want to keep them as house pets, they must adequately care for them. You should, for example, feed them fresh vegetables and fruits. They must also be kept in cages four to five feet long and exercised daily.
https://www.rabbitproducersassociation.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-rex-rabbit/https://www.rabbitproducersassociation.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Rex-Rabbit.pnghttps://www.rabbitproducersassociation.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Rex-Rabbit-150x150.pngUncategorizedThe Rex Rabbit is a European breed developed around 1919 in the French village of Louché-Pringé. The Rex rabbit evolved from a litter of wild gray rabbits. It has grown by rabbit fanciers and the fur industry over the years. The breed was named after its characteristic fur, which...FatimahFatimah ftmhuda@gmail.comAuthorNetherland Dwarf Rabbit
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